Direktør for Bruegel om Europas økonomiske sikkerhed


Sæt et stort kryds i kaldenderen torsdag d. 3. oktober, hvor NØF får besøg af selveste Jeromin Zettelmeyer, direktør for den Bruxelles-baserede uafhængige tænketank Bruegel, der vil tale om Europas økonomiske sikkerhed. 

Oplægget foregår på engelsk. 


The EU has recently been placing greater weight on economic security as a distinct policy objective. How does this differ from past attempts to increase resilience and prevent crises? There is also a widespread view that increasing economic security should take the form of “de-risking” that preserves trade integrations as much as possible. But how do we determine exactly what needs de-risking? The lecture will seek to answer these questions and use the answers to the diagnose EU’s policy agenda on economic security. What has been achieved, where are the blind spots, and how can the chances of unintended consequences be minimised?


Jeromin Zettelmeyer has been Director of Bruegel since September 2022. Born in Madrid in 1964, Jeromin was previously a Deputy Director of the Strategy and Policy Review Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Prior to that, he was Dennis Weatherstone Senior Fellow (2019) and Senior Fellow (2016-19) at the Peterson Institute for International Economics and Director-General for Economic Policy at the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (2014-16).


Medlemsmødet afholdes i lokale 35.01.06 i bygning 35 på CSS, Københavns Universitet (indgang via Gammeltoftsgade 15), og der vil være sandwich fra kl. 16:45. 


Hvis du synes, det lyder interessant, så tilmeld dig ved at skrive til nof@nationalbanken.dk inden 26. september.


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